
Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


:bulb: Tip: The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. Refer to the PlantUML Tutorial at se-edu/guides to learn how to create and edit diagrams.


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command patient delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component’s being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

The UI is responsible for the GUI of VMS. It does so with the aid of JavaFX UI framework. To simplify the creation of GUI layouts of different parts, several classes extends UiPart which is responsible for the creation of JavaFX scene graph structures through .fxml files. The .fxml files of these UI parts are stored in src/main/resources/view in with matching names to the class using them. For example, the .fxml file of MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml.

:information_source: NOTE: Not all UI classes responsible for displaying something graphically extends UiPart. UiPart is used as a tool to simplify the creation of complicated GUI layout. Simple GUI parts such as DetailedView and ListViewPanel do not extend UiPart.

Below shows a (partial) class diagram of the main parts of Ui component.

Structure of the UI Component

:information_source: NOTE: UiPart has been omitted as the purpose of this diagram is to show the structure between the main parts of the UI component.

As seen from the class diagram above, MainWindow has composition type relationship with several other classes. Namely,

  • DetailedView - responsible for the graphical display of the detail panels.
    • 1 each for patients and vaccinations.
  • CommandBox - responsible for gathering the user’s command input.
  • HelpWindow - responsible for the graphical display of the help window.
  • ListViewPanel - responsible for the graphical display of the list view panels.
    • 1 each for patients, vaccinations and appointments.
  • ResultDisplay - responsible for displaying messages to the user.

The classes mentioned above are only initialized when fillInnerParts() method of MainWindow is called. The object diagram below show the state after fillInnerParts() has been called.

State of MainWindow

:information_source: INFO: LogicManager is a concrete implementation of Logic. LogicManager was not shown in the complementing class diagram as it is not involved in the structure of the UI component. see Logic component to learn more about LogicManager.


In order to maintain the responsiveness of the GUI, the FX Application thread is used solely for GUI related processes such as event handling and display updates. For parsing and the execution of commands, their processes are dispatched on a separate thread. To learn more about this, see Logic component.

To handle display changes due to changes in the state of data that the different GUI parts are displaying, all classes of the UI component in the class diagram above with the exception of HelpWindow implements Refreshable. This is a functional interface whose functional method is refresh(). Calling this method will cause the implementing UI classes to check for changes in the data that they are displaying and update their display accordingly. To invoke the refresh() method continuously, a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor is created in MainApp that is tasked to call refresh() of UiManager 30 times every second.

Unlike the implementation where the displays are updated as soon as it a change happens, this implementation is able to accumulate and differ the displaying of changes. This improves the responsiveness of the GUI in scenarios where there is a spike in the number of changes in data as the GUI does not update for every change. Such scenarios may happen when the use uses patient’s clear command when there are a large number of patient.


To display its contents, DetailedView uses an observer pattern to observe for the data that it needs to display. It observes an ObjectProperty through a ChangeListener, both of which are defined by JavaFX. To convert the observed object to the Node object that JavaFX can display, DetailedView will also have a Function, that is provided on construction, which will handle this conversion.

To collect and store changes to be displayed, 2 private class fields are defined:

  • isUpdated of type boolean.
    • Will be true if the change has been displayed and false otherwise.
  • value of type T where T is the type of the object being detailed.
    • The object that has to be displayed.
    • Can be null which will signify that nothing should be displayed.

isUpdated is required as value can be null. Thus checks to see if value is null will not work.

Below shows the class diagram, showing the structure of DetailedView. Notice how that there are no external dependencies to other parts of VMS.

Class diagram of DetailedView

Below shows the object diagram showing the state after fillInnerParts() of MainWindow is called for the patient detail panel to highlight the listener pattern structure that DetailView implements. A similar object diagram can be drawn for the vaccination detail panel by changing the relevant variable names and types.

Object diagram of DetailedView

The activity diagram below shows the work flow of DetailedDisplay as it checks for changes and update its display when refresh() is invoked.

Activity diagram of DetailedView

As seen, no display updates are done if isUpdate is true, which signifies that the display has already been updated. This improves efficiency as the display is only updated when necessary.


Similar to DetailedView, ListViewPanel also uses an observer pattern and a Function to convert the observed object to a Node. However, it observes an ObservableMap through a MapChangeListener, both of which also defined by JavaFX. Only the values of the observed map will be displayed and the Function of ListViewPanel is used to convert these values to their equivalent Node representations. The order in which the values of the observed map are displayed is defined by a Comparator by default is the comparator produced from Comparator.naturalOrder(). This comparator is stored in an ObjectProperty in ListViewPanel

To collect changes to be displayed for the refresh, the latest MapChangeListener.Change (referred to as Change in this section) is stored in an ObjectProperty. Change is an inner class of MapChangeListener and defines a method, getMap() which allows the retrieval of the state of the map to be displayed. Unlike DetailedView, a null check to the value of this ObjectProperty can be done to verify if a an update to the display is required as its value will only be null if there is nothing to update.

Below shows the class diagram of ListViewPanel to graphically view this structure.

Class diagram of ListViewPanel

The complementing object diagram for appointment list view is shown below. Some AppointmentManager components are also added to detail the observer pattern structure of ListViewPanel. A similar diagram can be done for the patient list view panel.

Object diagram of Appointment ListViewPanel

To be able to refer to vaccinations by the index that they are displayed in the vaccination list panel, ModelManager will need to have a list view that describes the order in which the vaccinations are displayed. To avoid coupling, ModelManager observes the ListViewPanel, that is responsible for displaying the vaccination list panel, through the observer pattern. The items and order in which ListViewPanel is displaying is kept in an ObservableList as defined by JavaFX ListView which ListViewPanel extends. As such, obtain the required list view, ModelManager keeps another ObservableList that is bounded to the ObservableList defined by ListView through the observer pattern. Refer to the object diagram below for a graphical visualization of the structure described. The object diagram shows the state after fillInnerParts() is called.

Object diagram of Vaccination ListViewPanel

Below show the activity diagram when the refresh() method is invoked. The item list referred to in the diagram is the ObservableList that ListView defines. Updates to this list will update the display.

Activity diagram of ListViewPanel


To display messages to the user after every command that they have inputted, a Consumer, that accepts a list of CommandMessage, is used to update ResultDisplay whenever Logic has completed the execution of a command regardless if it was successful. The Consumer only function is to call the queueMessages(List<CommandMessage>) method of ResultDisplay. This method will queue all CommandMessage to be displayed in the order of the given list. When the refresh() method is called, elements in the queue will be polled and converted to their Node representation until the queue is emptied. To understand more about when this Consumer is called within Logic, read Executing a command.

Below shows the class diagram of the described structure. Logic, LogicManager and Consumer are not shown as there are no dependencies between these classes/interfaces and ResultDisplay.

Class diagram of ResultDisplay

Below shows the object diagram of ResultDisplay after the fillInnerParts() method has been called. This diagram reveals the observer pattern structure which the class diagram does not.

Object diagram of ResultDisplay

The following diagram shows the activity diagram when the refresh() method is called. On top of how messages are displayed, the procedure of how the 30 message history limit is maintained is shown as well.

Activity diagram of ResultDisplay

Logic component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

LogicManager is a concrete implementation of Logic which handles the logical components of VMS. Its main responsibility is to handle the execution of user entered commands.

LogicManager handles command execution in the form of an execution queue. When the user enters a command, that command is queued into an execution queue in LogicManager. Both queueing and the execution of commands can happen in parallel. However, at any one time, at most one command will be executed at a time.

Command execution

For the entire command execution portion of the Logic component, only queue(String) method is exposed to the outside. As such, to queue and execute a user command, only the queue(String) method of Logic will have to be called. This method will queue the command for execution and execute it when it is its turn. Command inputs are stored and queued in an internal queue called the command queue (cmdQueue). To allow for parallel queuing and dequeuing, this queue has a type of LinkedBlockingDeque. The elements stored within the queue are the String of the command input that the user has entered.

To avoid dependencies with other classes, specifically UI related classes, ModelManager stores a completionHandler, which is a Consumer<List<CommandMessage>>. completionHandler can be set and changed by other classes and is called whenever a command execution is completed.

Queuing a command

When the queue(String) is called upon, the following happens.

  1. The command input is added to the end of cmdQueue.
  2. An attempt is then made to start the execute the next command in the queue through startNext(). This is described in detail in the next section.

Starting a command

The method startNext() is a private method in LogicManager that handles the starting of the execution of a command. When it is called upon, a check is done to check if there are any command still in execution and that there are still commands yet to be executed in cmdQueue. If this is not the case, nothing happens and the method returns silently. If not, the following happens.

  1. The next command input in cmdQueue is polled.
  2. A new Thread object is created whose task is to parse and execute the command input polled in step 1.
  3. The created Thread objects is then started on a separate thread to perform its task of executing the command.

Executing a command

When the created Thread in startNext() is started, Java Virtual Machine will call its run() method at an appropriate time. This will start the parsing then execution of a command input by calling the processCommand(String) of LogicManager. The following sequence describes how a command input is executed when processCommand(String) is called.

  1. The command input is passed to the stored instance of Model in LogicManager to be parsed. The returned result is a ParseResult which is an association class of the parsed Command and its corresponding CommandMessage if there are warnings while parsing. More accurately, the parsed Command is one of the concrete implementations of Command.
  2. The Command in the returned ParseResult object of step 1 is then executed. It is given the stored instance of Model to perform its task and its interaction with model depends on the concrete implementation of Command parsed. This is represented as a ref frame in the sequence diagram below to highlight that the Command object and Model interacts with each other, but their interactions may vary depending on the implementation of the parsed Command. Once done it returns a CommandMessage.
  3. The new state of Model is then saved into hard disk through saveModel() method. This will return a list of CommandMessage containing the error messages that occurred while saving.
  4. All CommandMessages that have been created from steps 1 to 3 are combined as a list and passed to completeExecution(List<String>) method.
  5. The completionHandler is then passed the combined list of CommandMessage in step 5 to handle the completion of the command.
  6. An attempt is then made to start the next command through startNext() as described in the section before.

:information_source: INFO: The parsing of commands are handled in Model to allow for user custom keywords.

Model component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Model component:

Class Diagram for Model component

ModelManager is a concrete implementation of Model which handles the model components of VMS. The responsibilities of Model component,

  • stores the runtime state of the other managers:
    • PatientManager
    • VaxTypeManager
    • AppointmentManager
    • KeywordManager
  • stores the objects to be displayed as a separate filtered map which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableMap<K, V>, where V is the type of object being stored (eg. IdData<Patient>) and K is the type of the key the stored object is mapped to (for Patient and Appointment, this is an Integer and as for VaxType, this is a String).
  • stores the object to be detailed as a ObjectProperty<V> where V is the type of the object to be displayed (eg. IdData<Patient>).
  • store a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref object.

Patient component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Patient component:

Class Diagram of Patient

To represent a patient, Patient contains the Identity and Medical information using the following attributes:

  • Identity:
    • The name of the patient
    • The phone of the patient
    • The dateOfBirth of the patient
  • Medical:
    • The bloodType of the patient
    • The allergies of the patient
    • The vaccines of the patient

Patient have limitations on its attributes according to the Non-Functional Requirements.



On top of storing Patient objects, PatientManager ensures the patient’s vaccination records are updated if the name of a vaccination changes. It also ensures that there is a maximum limit of Patient objects allowed to be stored according to the Non-Functional Requirements.

Vaccination component

Vaccinations are represented as VaxType objects and stored within VaxTypeManager.



Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the VaxType component:

Class Diagram of VaxType

To represent a vaccination, VaxType contains the following attributes:

  • A name represented as a GroupName object.
  • A set of groups which the vaccination classifies under as a set of GroupName objects.
  • A minimum age as an Age object.
  • A maximum age as an Age object.
  • A set ingredients of the vaccination as a set of GroupName objects.
  • A list of requirements of vaccination groups that will have to be taken before this vaccination can be taken as a list of Requirement objects.



On top of storing VaxType objects, VaxTypeManager ensures the uniqueness of VaxType. It also ensures that there is a maximum limit of VaxType objects allowed to be stored according to the Non-Functional Requirements.

Appointment component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Appointment component:

Class Diagram of Appointment

The Appointment component,

  • Contains the details of patients’ appointment
    • The patients’ Patient id.
    • The duration of each appointment (Uses the start time and end time).
    • The type and dose of vaccine to be administered.
    • The status of the appointment.



On top of storing Appointment objects, AppointmentManager ensures the uniqueness of Appointment. It also ensures that there is a maximum limit of Appointment objects allowed to be stored according to the Non-Functional Requirements.

Keyword component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Keyword component:

Class Diagram of Keyword

The Keyword component,

  • Contains the mapping of a custom keyword to a main keyword
    • The custom’ <keyword>.
    • The main <keyword>:
      • appointment for Appointment class.
      • patient for Patient class.
      • vaccination for VaxType class.



The KeywordManager main responsibility is the storing of Keyword objects.

Storage component


The Storage component is responsible for the reading and writing of the states of the different managers in Model to and from the hard disk. As shown in the diagram above, it inherits from PatientManagerStorage, UserPrefsStorage, VaxTypeStorage, AppointmentStorage and KeywordStorage. As such, it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).

Cascading delete

The cascading delete feature is an important part of the VMS’s design, as it helps to maintain data integrity and avoid orphaned records in the system. When a object is deleted from the VMS, any related records should also be deleted to ensure that the system remains consistent.

Relationship between Patient and Appointment

When a Patient record is deleted from the system, any associated Appointment records will be deleted as well. This is because Appointment records are directly linked to a specific Patient, and it would not make sense to keep these records around if the Patient is no longer in the system. The implementation can be found in

Relationship between VaxType and Appointment

When a VaxType record is deleted from the system, any associated Appointment records will be deleted as well. This is because VaxType records are directly linked to a specific Appointment, and it would not make sense to keep these records around if the VaxType record is no longer offered by the VaxType center. The implementation can be found in

Relationship between Patient and VaxType

On the other hand, Patient records are not deleted when a VaxType record is deleted from the system. This is because Patient records should not be modified if a VaxType is no longer offered. If a VaxType record is deleted, the associated Appointment records will be deleted, but any Patient records associated with those VaxType records will not be updated in the system. This is because the Patient records may still be relevant, even if the VaxType is no longer in the system.

Cascading Change

The cascading change feature is an important part of the VMS’s design, as it helps to maintain data integrity and avoid orphaned records in the system. When a object is changed in the VMS, any related records should also be changed to ensure that the system remains consistent.

Relationship between Patient and Appointment

When a Patient record is updated in the system, any associated Appointment records will be updated as well. This is because Appointment records are directly linked to a specific Patient, and if the patient’s information changes, it is important to update any related appointments to reflect this change. The implementation can be found in

Relationship between VaxType and Patient

When a VaxType record is updated in the system, any associated Patient records will be updated as well. This is because VaxType records contain information about the VaxTypes that a patient has taken, and if the VaxType information changes, it is important to update any related patient records to reflect this change. The implementation can be found in

Relationship between VaxType and Appointment

Additionally, when a VaxType record is updated in the system, any associated Appointment records will be updated as well. This is because VaxType records are directly linked to a specific Appointment, and if the VaxType information changes, it is important to update any related appointment records to reflect this change. The implementation can be found in

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.vms.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.


Adding a Patient

The Adding a Patient mechanism is facilitated by VMS. The Patient created is stored inside PatientManager object.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component
  3. When AddCommandParser receives the information from PatientParser, it will invoke the following methods to help with the parsing.
    1. ParserUtil#parseName will be called to create a Name object using “John Doe”.
    2. ParserUtil#parsePhone will be called to create a Phone object using “98765432”.
    3. ParserUtil#parseDob will be called to create a Dob object using “2001-03-19”.
    4. ParserUtil#parseBloodType will be called to create a BloodType object using “B+”.
    5. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named allergies using [“catfur”, “pollen”].
    6. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named vaccines using [“covax”].
  4. After successfully parsing the args, AddCommandParser will create a Patient using the new Name, Phone, Dob, BloodType, Allergies, Vaccines. Then it will create an `AddCommand` with the new Patient object.
  5. When AddCommand#execute is called, model#addPatient will be called to add the new Patient into the model. AddCommand will then return CommandMessage to indicate it’s success.

Note that Allergies and Vaccines are optional, so the user does not need to include --a or --v if the it is not applicable.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient AddCommand is executed.

Given below is an sequence diagram that illustrates the Adding a Patient parsing mechanism behaves at every step.

Patient parsing detail here:

Detailing Patients

The Detailing Patients mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will update the UI with the Patient requested.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient detail 1 as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component.
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component.
  3. When DetailCommandParser receives the information from PatientParser, it will invoke the ParseUtil#parseIndex to parse PATIENT_ID. It will throw a ParseException if there are no args present.
  4. After successfully parsing the args, FindCommandParser will create an DetailCommand with the parsed index.
  5. When DetailCommand#execute is called, model#setDetailedPatient will be called to update the ui to display the Patient requested.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient DetailCommand is executed.

Listing Patients

The Listing Patients mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will list all the Patients that are stored in the PatientManager.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient list as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component.
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component.
  3. PatientParser will invoke ListCommandParser, which will create ListCommand directly as they do not use any args.
  4. When ListCommand#execute is called, model#updateFilteredPatientList will be called to update the list with the PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_PATIENTS to display all Patients.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient ListCommand is executed.

Finding a Patient

The Finding a Patient mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will find specific list of Patient objects from PatientManager inside VMS object with the keywords provided.

The user can choose to add flags when searching, to search for the specific attributes of a Patient. If no flags are present, the mechanism will assume that it is searching the Patient’s name.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient find --n John Deer --p 98765431 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --v covax as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component
  3. When FindCommandParser receives the information from PatientParser, it will invoke the following methods to help with the parsing. It will throw a ParseException if there are no args present.
    1. ParserUtil#parseName will be called to create a Name object using “John Doe”.
    2. ParserUtil#parsePhone will be called to create a Phone object using “98765432”.
    3. ParserUtil#parseDob will be called to create a Dob object using “2001-03-19”.
    4. ParserUtil#parseBloodType will be called to create a BloodType object using “B+”.
    5. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named allergies using [“catfur”, “pollen”].
    6. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named vaccines using [“covax”].
  4. After successfully parsing the args, the following will happen
    1. FindCommandParser will create an FindPatientDescriptor using the new Name, Phone, Dob, BloodType, Allergies <GroupName>, Vaccines <GroupName>. 1a. If none of the flags are present, it will take the entire arg as a setNameSearch.
    2. Then it will create an FindCommand with the new FindPatientDescriptor object.
  5. When FindCommand#execute is called, the following will happen.
    1. It will check if the different attributes of FindPatientDescriptor is present.
    2. It will find the patient by creating different Optional<AttributePredicate>.
    3. The different predicates will be added into a List<Predicate<Patient>> and passed to model#setPatientFilters to display the filtered Patients.
    4. FindCommand will then return CommandMessage to indicate it’s success and the number of patients found.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient FindCommand is executed.

FindCommandParser#parse will call String#trim to trim the search request. If there is no additional flags, it will fall back to the default of using the search term to find Names.

Editing a Patient

The Editing a Patient mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will read and modify a target Patient object from PatientManger inside VMS object.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient edit 5 --n John Deer --p 98765431 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component
  3. When EditCommandParser receives the information from PatientParser, it will invoke the following methods to help with the parsing. It will short circuit and throw a ParseException if 1. is not fulfilled.
    1. ParserUtil#parseIndex will be called to create a Index object using “5”.
    2. ParserUtil#parseName will be called to create a Name object using “John Doe”.
    3. ParserUtil#parsePhone will be called to create a Phone object using “98765432”.
    4. ParserUtil#parseDob will be called to create a Dob object using “2001-03-19”.
    5. ParserUtil#parseBloodType will be called to create a BloodType object using “B+”.
    6. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named allergies using [“catfur”, “pollen”].
    7. ParserUtil#parseGroups will be called to create GroupName[] object named vaccines using [“covax”].
  4. After successfully parsing the args, EditCommandParser will create an editPatientDescriptor using the new Name, Phone, Dob, BloodType, Allergies <GroupName>, Vaccines <GroupName>. Then it will create an EditCommand with the new editPatientDescriptor object with the index.
  5. When EditCommand#execute is called, the following will happen.
    1. It will ensure that the Index given is within the list, else it will throw a CommandException
    2. It will edit the patient by creating a new patient with the new values from the Parser as Patients are Immutable
    3. Then model#setPatient will be called to add the new Patient into the model.
    4. EditCommand will then return CommandMessage to indicate it’s success.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient EditCommand is executed.

Deleting a Patient

The Deleting a Patients mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will delete specific Patient objects from PatientManager inside VMS object with using the index provided.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient delete 5 as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component
  3. When DeleteCommandParser receives the information from PatientParser, it will invoke the ParseUtil#parseIndex to parse PATIENT_ID. It will throw a ParseException if there are no args present.
  4. After successfully parsing the args, FindCommandParser will create an DeleteCommand with the parsed index
  5. When DeleteCommand#execute is called, model#setDeletedPatient will be called to update the ui to display the Patient requested.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient DeleteCommand is executed.

Clearing Patients

The Clearing Patients mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will set the patient manager with a new empty patient manager, effectively clearing all the Patients

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enter patient clear as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI component.
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component.
  3. PatientParser will invoke ClearCommand which will create ClearCommand as they do not use any args.
  4. When ClearCommand#execute is called, model#setPatientManager will be called to update the list a new PatientManger() with no patients.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the patient ClearCommand is executed.


Adding a Keyword

The Keyword Adding mechanism is facilitated by VMS. The Keyword created is stored inside KeywordManager object.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enters keyword add --k patient --n p as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI Component.
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component.
  3. When AddCommandParser receives the information from KeywordParser, it will invoke the following methods for parsing.
    1. ParserUtil#parseMainKeyword will be called to create a String object using patient.
    2. ParserUtil#parseKeyword will be called to create a String object using p.
  4. After successfully parsing the args, AddCommandParser will create a Keyword using the new patient and p strings created.
  5. When AddCommand#execute is called, model#addKeyword will be called to add the new Keyword into the model. AddCommand will then return CommandMessage to indicate it’s success.

Note that MainKeyword and Keyword are required args, hence the user must include --k and --n in the command.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the keyword AddCommand is executed.

Given below is a sequence diagram that illustrates the Keyword Adding parsing mechanism at every step.

Keyword parsing detail here:

Deleting a Keyword

The Keyword Delete mechanism is facilitated by VMS. It will delete specific Keyword objects from KeywordManager inside VMS object using the string provided.

Execution Sequence

Given below is an example usage scenario when a user enters keyword delete p as a command.

  1. The user enters the command in the UI Component.
  2. It will be passed to the Logic component.
  3. When DeleteCommandParser receives the information from KeywordParser, it will invoke the ParserUtil#parseDeleteKeyword to parse the string p provided. It will throw a ParseException if there are no args present.
  4. After successfully parsing the arg, DeleteCommandParser will create a DeleteCommand with the parsed p string.
  5. When DeleteCommand#execute is called, model#deleteKeyword will be called to delete the specified Keyword from the model. DeleteCommand will then return CommandMessage to indicate it’s success.

The activity diagram below summarises the action when the keyword DeleteCommand is executed.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • a receptionist of small size private clinics in charge of managing vaccination appointments.
  • prefer desktop apps over other types.
  • can type fast.
  • prefers typing to mouse interactions.
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps for speed and efficiency.

Value proposition: Application will

  • Validate the eligibility of patients to take vaccinations faster than manual means.
  • Manage patients.
  • Manage vaccinations.
  • Manage appointments.
  • All of which faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can …​
* * * User get the patient’s contact easily contact them when needed.
* * * User be able to key in people with the same name save the data of people with the same name
* * * User view patient details recall the details of a patient
* * * User add a patient  
* * * User update a patient  
* * * User delete a patient  
* * * User view appointment details recall the details of an appointment
* * * User add an appointment  
* * * User delete an appointment  
* * * User update an appointment  
* * * User view upcoming appointments so that I know what appointments are coming soon
* * * User view vaccination details recall the details of a vaccination type
* * * User add a vaccination  
* * * User delete a vaccination  
* * * User update a vaccination  
* * * User check the eligibility of a patient to take a vaccination verify if I can schedule the appointment that the patient requested
* * Forgetful user view the guide page of the application understand of the parts of the application that I have forgotten works
* * Forgetful user see the syntax of commands know how to use the command
* * New user see the app populated with sample data use it as a tutorial for how the app will work
* * New User purge all the current data get rid of sample data
* * User generate patient numbers uniquely identify a patient by their patient number
* * User generate appointment numbers uniquely identify an appointment by its appointment number
* * User find patients view details about the patient I am looking for faster
* * User list all patients clear my find filters for patients
* * User find vaccinations view details about the vaccination I am looking for faster
* * User list all vaccinations clear my find filters for vaccinations
* * User find appointments view details about the appointment I am looking for faster
* * User list all appointments clear my find filters for appointments
* Forgetful user see what commands there are know what commands I can use
* User check what is the next free appointment slot choose the best time for the patient quicker
* User undo my latest action undo my mistakes

Use cases

For all use cases below, the System is the VMS and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise.

UC-PAT-001 - Add patient

  1. User enters command to add a patient.
  2. VMS adds the patient.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

UC-PAT-002 - Detail patient

  1. User enters command to view details of a patient.
  2. VMS shows the details of the patient requested.

Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to detail a patient that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-PAT-003 - List patients

  1. User enters command to list patients.
  2. VMS shows the list of patients with their corresponding IDs.

Use case ends.

UC-PAT-004 - Find patients

  1. User enter command to find patients.
  2. VMS shows the list of matched patients with their corresponding IDs.

Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

UC-PAT-005 - Edit patient

  1. User enters command to edit a specific patient.
  2. VMS edits the patients

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to edit a patient that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-PAT-006 - Delete patient

  1. User requests to delete a specific patient in the list.
  2. VMS deletes the patient.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to delete a patient that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. VMS detects that some appointments will become invalid after deletion.
    • 1c1. VMS requests user to force the change.
    • 1c2. User enters command to force the change.
    • 1c3. VMS deletes the patient and all invalid appointments.

      Use case ends.

UC-PAT-007 - Clear patients

  1. User requests to list patients.
  2. VMS shows the list of patients with their corresponding IDs.

Use case ends.

UC-APT-001 - Add appointment

  1. User request to add an appointment.
  2. User enters the start and end timing of the appointment, and the associated patient.
  3. VMS adds the appointment.

    Use case ends.

  • 2a. timing format or patient ID is invalid.
    • 2a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

UC-APT-002 - List appointments

  1. User requests to list appointments.
  2. VMS shows a list of appointments.

    Use case ends.

UC-APT-003 - Edit appointment

  1. User enters command to edit an appointment.
  2. VMS edits the appointment.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to edit an appointment that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-APT-004 - Delete appointment

  1. User enters command to delete an appointment.
  2. VMS deletes the appointment.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to delete an appointment that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-APT-005 - Find appointments

  1. User requests to find appointments.
  2. VMS shows a list of appointments that matches search criteria.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. The list is empty.
    • 1a1. VMS returns an empty list.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. Some appointments match the search criteria.
    • 1b1. VMS returns the list of appointment that matches.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1c. No appointment match the search criteria.
    • 1c1. VMS returns an empty list.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

UC-APT-006 - Mark appointments

  1. User requests to mark a specified appointment.
  2. VMS marks the appointment.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to mark an appointment that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. User requested to mark an appointment that is already marked.
    • 1a1. If assertion is enabled
      • 1a11. VMS shows an error message.

        Use case ends.

    • 1b1. If assertion is disabled

    Use case resumes from step 1.

UC-APT-007 - Unmark appointments

  1. User requests to unmark a specified appointment.
  2. VMS changes the status of the appointment to not completed.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to unmark an appointment that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. User requested to unmark an appointment that is already unmarked.
    • 1a1. If assertion is enabled
      • 1a11. VMS shows an error message.

        Use case ends.

    • 1b1. If assertion is disabled

      Use case resumes from step 1.

UC-VAC-001 - Add vaccination

  1. User enters command to add a vaccination.
  2. VMS adds the vaccination.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to add a vaccination that already exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-VAC-002 - List vaccination

  1. User enters the command to list vaccination.
  2. VMS lists all vaccination.

    Use case ends.

UC-VAC-003 - Edit vaccination

  1. User enters command to edit a vaccination.
  2. VMS edits the vaccination.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to edit a vaccination that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-VAC-004 - Delete vaccination

  1. User enters command to delete a vaccination.
  2. VMS deletes the vaccination.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to delete a vaccination that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. VMS detects that some appointments will become invalid after deletion.
    • 1c1. VMS requests user to force the change.
    • 1c2. User enters command to force the change.
    • 1c3. VMS deletes the vaccination and all invalid appointments.

      Use case ends.

UC-VAC-005 - Clear vaccinations

  1. User enters command to clear vaccinations.
  2. VMS deletes all vaccinations.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. VMS detects that some appointments will become invalid after clearing.
    • 1b1. VMS requests user to force the change.
    • 1b2. User enters command to force the change.
    • 1b3. VMS deletes all vaccinations and all invalid appointments.

      Use case ends.

UC-VAC-006 - Filter vaccinations

  1. User enters command to filter vaccinations.
  2. VMS shows only filtered vaccinations.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to apply no filters.
    • 1b1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-VAC-007 - Detail a vaccination

  1. User enters command to detail a vaccination.
  2. VMS shows details about that vaccination.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to detail a vaccination that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-KEY-001 - Add keyword

  1. User enters command to add a keyword.
  2. VMS adds the keyword.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to add a keyword that overrides a main component keyword.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. User requested to add a keyword with a main keyword that is not patient, appointment or vaccination.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

UC-KEY-002 - Delete keyword

  1. User requests to delete a specific keyword in the list.
  2. VMS deletes the keyword.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. VMS detects error in the command entered.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case resumes from step 1.

  • 1b. User requested to delete a keyword that does not exist.
    • 1a1. VMS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to handle the following limits without any noticeable sluggishness in performance on typical usage:
    1. 1000 patients, each with a limit of:
      1. 100 allergies
      2. 30 vaccines
    2. 30 vaccination types, each with a limit of:
      1. 10 groups
      2. 30 ingredients
      3. 10 requirements
    3. 1000 appointments.
  3. On top of 2, should also be able to handle these names up to 30 characters without any noticeable sluggishness in performance on typical usage:
    1. Allergy
    2. Vaccination name
    3. Vaccination group name
    4. Vaccination ingredient name
  4. On top of 2, should also be able to handle requirement set of sizes up to 30.
  5. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  6. Should auto save to prevent data loss if application crashes.
  7. Should save its data in a human readable file.
  8. All functional features should be accessible through CLI.
  9. Should work without requiring an installer.
  10. Should not depend on a remote server.
  11. Should not cause any resolution related inconveniences to the user for:
    1. Screen resolutions 1920x1080 and higher.
    2. Screen scales 100% and 125%.
  12. Application executable JAR file should be less than 100MB.


  • Component:
    • In the context of application usage - the main functionalities of the application:
      • Basic
      • Keyword
      • Patient
      • Vaccination
      • Appointment
    • In the context of application design - the parts of the application design:
      • Main
      • Ui
      • Logic
      • Model
      • Storage
  • DOB: Date of birth of a patient.
  • Group (in the context of vaccination): A group that the vaccination can be classified under.
  • History requirement (in the context of vaccination): A set of vaccination groups that either has to be present or cannot be present in the groups that a vaccination classifies under.
  • Index: The position of an element in a list-like structure (eg. position of a vaccination in the vaccination list panel).
  • Ingredients: ingredients used to make the vaccination / things that the patient cannot be allergic to.
  • Keyword: A user defined word to refer to one of the main keywords.
  • Mainkeyword: One of these 3 that refers to the main component of VMS.
    • patient
    • vaccination
    • appointment
  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
  • Patient: A person who may receive the vaccination.
  • Patient/Appointment ID: A unique serial number for patient/appointment.
  • VMS: Vaccination Management System.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

:information_source: Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.
:information_source: NOTE: If copying and pasting commands exactly, it is important to execute them in the order instructed. If you wish to mix up the order, ID/index related arguments such as PATIENT_ID will have to be changed accordingly.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the jar file Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

  2. Saving window preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

  3. { more test cases …​ }

Adding a patient


Before every test case, ensure that the patient “John Doe” does not exist. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

patient clear --force true

Test: All optional parameters omitted

patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+


Expected display

Test: Optional parameters present

patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax


Expected display

Patient attribute validation

Before every test case, ensure that the there are no patients. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

patient clear --force true

Test: Name validation

Valid Name
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe2 --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
Invalid Name
  • patient add --n John-Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John D. --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John s/o Alex --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+

Test: Phone validation

Valid Phone
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 999 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 12345678912345 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
Invalid Phone
  • patient add --n John Doe --p +65 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 99 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 123-456 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p (123) 2345 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p --d 2001-03-19 --b B+

Test: Dob validation

Valid Dob
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 0800 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 1600 --b B+
Invalid Dob
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19T2000 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-50 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2040-03-19 --b B+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d --b B+

Test: Blood Type validation

Valid Blood Type

List of valid Blood Type test non exhaustive

  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b A+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b A-
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b AB+
Invalid Blood Type
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b C+
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b C*
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b

Test: Group Name validation

GroupName validation will include both allergies and vaccination as their underlying type is the same GroupName type

Valid Group Name
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur, pollen --v covax
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a cat(fur) --a pol-len --v covax
Invalid Group Name
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a poll*en --v covax
  • patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfurcatfurcatfurcatfurcatfurcatfur --v covax

Viewing details of a patient


Before every test case, ensure that the there are no patients. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

patient clear --force true

  1. patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  2. patient detail 1


Expected display

Listing all patients


Before every test case, ensure that the there are no patients. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

patient clear --force true

  1. patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  2. patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  3. patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  4. patient list


Expected display

Locating a patient


Before every test case, ensure that the there are no patients. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

patient clear --force true

  1. Add patients with different Names, Blood Type
  2. patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b A+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  3. patient add --n John Does --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  4. patient add --n John Po --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b AB+ --a catfur --a pollen --v covax
  5. Find patient with name “John Doe”
    patient find John Doe
    Expected: 2 patients listed! (John Doe, John Does)
  6. Find patient with name “John Does”
    patient find John Does
    Expected: 1 patients listed! (John Does)
  7. Find patient with name “John”
    patient find John
    Expected: 3 patients listed! (John Doe, John Does, John Po)
  8. Find patient with “A+” Blood Type
    patient find --b A+
    Expected: 1 patients listed! (John Doe)
  9. Find patient with “A+” Blood Type and named “John”
    patient find --b A+ --n John
    Expected: 1 patients listed! (John Doe)

Adding a vaccination

In all cases, vaccination “a” will be added but its state is determined through the display.


Before every test case, ensure that the vaccination “a” does not exist and that there are no vaccination filters applied. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

  • vaccination clear --force true
  • vaccination list

Test: All optional parameters omitted

vaccination add a


Expected display

Test: Optional parameters present

vaccination add a --lal 45 --g a,b,c --i a,b,c --h all::all --h any::any --h none::none


Expected display

Vaccination validation


Before every test case, ensure that the there are no patients and vaccinations.

  • patient clear --force true
  • vaccination clear --force true
:information_source: NOTE: If copying and pasting commands exactly, it is important to execute them in the order instructed. If you wish to mix up the order, ID/index related arguments such as PATIENT_ID will have to be changed accordingly.

Test: History requirement - ALL

  1. Add vaccination “TAKING” which will be the vaccination to be taken with ALL type history requirement.
    vaccination add TAKING --h ALL::G1, G2, G3
  2. Add vaccination “LACKING” that will lack a required group.
    vaccination add LACKING --g G1, G2
  3. Add vaccination “ALL” that will have all required groups.
    vaccination add ALL --g G1, G2, G3
  4. Add vaccination “EXTRA” that will have all required groups and extra.
    vaccination add EXTRA --g G1, G2, G3, G4
  5. Add patient “LACKING” who has taken a vaccination with lacking required groups.
    patient add --n LACKING --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v LACKING
  6. Add patient “ALL” who has taken a vaccination with all required groups.
    patient add --n ALL --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v ALL
  7. Add patient “EXTRA” who has taken a vaccination with all required groups and extra.
    patient add --n EXTRA --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v EXTRA
  8. Schedule an appointment for patient “LACKING”
    appointment add --p 1 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2.
    Expected: Patient cannot take the vaccination
  9. Schedule an appointment for patient “ALL”
    appointment add --p 2 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2.
    Expected: Appointment added
  10. Schedule an appointment for patient “EXTRA”.
    appointment add --p 3 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Appointment added

Test: History requirement - ANY

  1. Add vaccination “TAKING” which will be the vaccination to be taken with ANY type history requirement.
    vaccination add TAKING --h ANY::G1, G2, G3
  2. Add vaccination “LACKING” that will lack required groups.
    vaccination add LACKING --g G1
  3. Add vaccination “ALL” that will have all required groups.
    vaccination add ALL --g G1, G2, G3
  4. Add vaccination “EXTRA” that will have all required groups and extra.
    vaccination add EXTRA --g G1, G2, G3, G4
  5. Add vaccination “NONE” that will have none of the required groups.
    vaccination add NONE --g G4, G5
  6. Add patient “LACKING” who has taken a vaccination with lacking required groups.
    patient add --n LACKING --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v LACKING
  7. Add patient “ALL” who has taken a vaccination with all required groups.
    patient add --n ALL --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v ALL
  8. Add patient “EXTRA” who has taken a vaccination with all required groups and extra.
    patient add --n EXTRA --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v EXTRA
  9. Add patient “NONE” who has taken a vaccination with none of the required groups.
    patient add --n NONE --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v NONE
  10. Schedule an appointment for patient “LACKING”.
    appointment add --p 1 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Appointment added
  11. Schedule an appointment for patient “ALL”.
    appointment add --p 2 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Appointment added
  12. Schedule an appointment for patient “EXTRA”.
    appointment add --p 3 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Appointment added
  13. Schedule an appointment for patient “NONE”.
    appointment add --p 4 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Patient cannot take the vaccination

Test: History requirement - NONE

  1. Add vaccination “TAKING” which will be the vaccination to be taken with NONE type history requirement.
    vaccination add TAKING --h NONE::G1, G2, G3
  2. Add vaccination “PRESENT” which will have a group that cannot be present.
    vaccination add PRESENT --g G1
  3. Add vaccination “PRESENT EXTRA” which will have a group that cannot be present and another that can.
    vaccination add PRESENT EXTRA --g G1, G4
  4. Add vaccination “NONE” that will have none of the groups that cannot be present.
    vaccination add NONE --g G4, G5
  5. Add patient “PRESENT” who has taken a vaccination with a group that cannot be present.
    patient add --n PRESENT --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v PRESENT
  6. Add patient “PRESENT EXTRA” who has taken a vaccination with a group that cannot be present and another that can.
    patient add --n PRESENT EXTRA --p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v PRESENT EXTRA
  7. Add patient “NONE” who has taken a vaccination with a groups that can be present.
    patient add --n NONE--p 445 --d 0001-1-1 --b A+ --v NONE
  8. Schedule an appointment for patient “PRESENT”.
    appointment add --p 1 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Patient cannot take the vaccination
  9. Schedule an appointment for patient “PRESENT EXTRA”.
    appointment add --p 2 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Patient cannot take the vaccination
  10. Schedule an appointment for patient “NONE”.
    appointment add --p 3 --v TAKING --s 9999-1-1 --e 9999-1-2
    Expected: Appointment added

Adding a appointment

Adds an appointment to the VMS.


Before every test case, ensure that the list of appointments is empty, and the list of patients and vaccinations contains the patient and vaccine to be added.

Clears the list of patients and vaccines

patient clear --force true
vaccination clear --force true

Adds the necessary patient and vaccine

patient add --n John Doe --p 98765432 --d 2001-03-19 --b B+ --a catfur \
    --a pollen --v Moderna

vaccination add Dose 1 (Moderna)

Adding a valid appointment

appointment add --p 1 --s 2024-01-01 1330 --e 2024-01-01 1400 --v Dose 1 (Moderna)


  • There must be a patient with an id of <Index> #0001.
  • There must be a vaccine Dose 1 (Moderna).

Valid Add Appointment

Adding an invalid appointment

Invalid appointments include:

  • missing parameters
  • existing upcoming appointment


  • There must be a patient with an id of <Index> #0001.
  • There must be a vaccine Dose 1 (Moderna).

Adding a invalid appointment - Missing parameters

appointment add --p 1 --s 2024-01-01 1330 --e 2024-01-01 1400


Invalid Add Appointment Missing.PNG

Adding a invalid appointment - Existing upcoming appointment

appointment add --p 1 --s 2024-01-01 1330 --e 2024-01-01 1400 --v Dose 1 (Moderna)

appointment add --p 1 --s 2024-01-01 1330 --e 2024-01-01 1400 --v Dose 1 (Moderna)


Invalid Add Appointment Existing

Adding a keyword


Before every test case, ensure that the keyword mapping of main keyword “patient” and keyword “pa” does not exist. This can be done by executing the following before every test case:

keyword delete pa


keyword add --k patient --n pa


Expected display

Keyword attribute validation

Before every test case, ensure that keyword mapping of main keyword “patient” and keyword “pa”, main keyword “appointment” and keyword “appo”, and main keyword “vaccination” and keyword “vacci” does not exist. This can be done by executing all of the following commands before every test case:

keyword delete pa keyword delete appo keyword delete vacci

Test: Keyword validation

Valid Keyword
  • keyword add --k patient --n pa
  • keyword add --k appointment --n appo
  • keyword add --k vaccination --n vacci
Invalid Keyword
  • keyword add --k patient --n patient
  • keyword add --k vaccination --n appointment
  • keyword add --k appointment --n ap pt

Test: Main Keyword validation

Valid Main Keyword
  • keyword add --k patient --n pa
  • keyword add --k appointment --n appo
  • keyword add --k vaccination --n vacci
Invalid Main Keyword
  • keyword add --k patientt --n pa
  • keyword add --k help --n appo
  • keyword add --k blank --n vacci

Appendix: Planned enhancements

Less strict patient name check

We plan to update NAME to allow for other possible name formats, not limited to the ones listed above (see invalid patient name). The VALIDATION_REGEX currently does not restrict the length of Name to accommodate patients with long names. We also plan to limit the name to prevent UI elements from being overflowed.

The following is an example of the problem:

Patient Name too long

A proposed solution is to update the validation regex to something like public static final String VALIDATION_REGEX = "[\\p{Alnum}][\\p{Alnum}\\-.,/@ ]*";

Phone number limit

We plan to cap the max length of the phone number type so that the UI elements does not get overflowed.

The following is an example of the problem:

Phone Number too long

A proposed solution would be to limit the phone number to 32 character long.

Decrease the warning severity message of invalid appointment data file

On start up, in same cases, the DEATH severity (the highest due to an uncaught exception) will show if the loaded appointment file is invalid (eg. start time of an appointment after end time). We plan to decrease this severity.

ID count saving

We plan to save the current ID count to hard disk as well on every auto save. This will resolve the issue where the ID counts is forgotten when the application is closed and defaulted to the highest ID. Here are some examples on what may happen if the ID count is forgotten:

  • User adds 100 patients and then deletes all of them. ID count is at 100. A restart of the application will cause the ID count to reset to 1.
  • User adds 1000 patients, deletes the patients with IDs 11 to 20, adds 5 additional patients and deletes the added 5. ID count will be 15. A restart of the application will cause the ID count to reset to 1000 and the addition of the next patient will have an ID of 11.

Validation of requirements of type NONE

The validation checks for history requirements specifically the NONE type is planned to be enhanced. The enhancement will disallow the addition or creation of a history requirement if there exist a requirement of NONE that causes the entire history requirement to become meaningless. These cases are as follows:

  • Duplicate requirements of NONE type (eg. 2 NONE::G1).
  • Conflicting requirements with a NONE type (eg. NONE::G1 and ANY::G1).

Ignore whitespace for name parsing

We plan to improve teh parsing of names such that any additional whitespace characters between non-whitespace characters are taken only to be 1. For example, the following names A NAME, A NAME or A NAME will be parsed to be A NAME. Extra spaces are likely to be an error by the user and in the real world, these extra whitespace characters are taken to be a single space. This enhancement applies to patient names, vaccination names, allergy names and vaccination group names.

Emptying vaccination history requirement

Currently when a vaccination has been added, there is no way to update its history requirement to become empty if it is not. The --set true argument flag is only able to replace the entire history requirement list with another that is not empty.

We plan to enhance this by adding an additional flag to vaccination’s edit --empty SHOULD_EMPTY where SHOULD_EMPTY is of boolean type with a default value of false. The presence of this argument in the vaccination edit command will cause the history requirement of the vaccination to be emptied.

The enhancement will also be implemented such that if both --h and --empty argument were to appear in the same edit command, the command will not be processed and an error message will be shown. This is the protect the user’s data from unintended changes.

Stricter date validation fo days of month

We plan to implement a stricter date validation checks for dates. The stricter check will disallow dates fo months that exceeds the number of days in that month. For example 2023-2-31 (2023 Feb 31 as February does not have 31 days) will be disallowed. These invalid dates will show an error message, informing the user that the date is invalid.