Project: Vaccination Management System

An increasing number of vaccinations now have more complicated prerequisites to take them, and Vaccination Management System (VMS) aims to make this validation easier. VMS is a desktop application for validating and keeping track of vaccination appointments; its operations are optimized for fast typists who prefer using a Command Line Interface (CLI) while maintaining the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Given below are my contributions to the project

  • New Feature:
    • Added vaccination feature.
      • CRUD features.
      • Clear feature.
      • Patient eligibility validation feature.
      • Find feature.
      • Referencing vaccination by index.
      • Sample vaccination data.
  • Enhancement to existing features:
    • Enhanced message presentation of application.
      • Colorize messages based on severity.
      • Allow past messages to be seen.
    • Separate GUI and application processes into different threads.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Managed project issue tracker.
    • Coordinated integration of code between team members.
    • Managed various version releases.
  • Documentation:
    • Edited the theme of the documentation.
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the vaccination features and its attributes.
      • Added documentation for data files for all features.
      • Did cosmetic tweaks to documentation made by others to standardize syntax presentation.
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added documentation details for UI component.
      • Added implementation details for the Logic component.
      • Added test cases for vaccination
  • Tools:
    • Set up CodeCov.